“Throwing a Tantrum in Public”

Throwing a Tantrum in Public


Hey Friends !!!

Whenever you hear the word “TANTRUM”, Are you thinking like – “Oh my goodness! Not Again… Or It’s difficult to handle, isn’t it Or something similar?

Let’s understand the sense of Tantrum in children- an emotional “explosions” designed to express extreme personal displeasure. A behavior usually associated with emotional distress that attempts to manipulate others towards a desired end. Temper tantrums are a spontaneous and sudden display of anger like screaming and may even throw themselves on the floor kicking and yelling. They are not simply an act in order to seek attention.

Reasons of tantrums may be “Emotional immaturity, Emotional insecurity, Unforgiveness, Personality, Stress, Selfishness etc.”

Dealing with children throwing tantrums can be quite frustrating as a parent, but there are ways to deal with it, hence to begin with – focus on calming yourself down and then your child. Hereafter, I have compiled a list of three effective parenting techniques on how to deal with such a situation.

Parenting is a twenty four hour, seven days a week job. Until your child is of age, it never ends. Clearly as the child matures, the necessity for supervision minimizes. With that being written, it is important to understand that parenting isn’t suspended once you leave the home, it is an ongoing process and you need not be embarrassed by your child’s antics. After all you are not the one throwing the tantrum, your child is, however what you do in response is a reflection of your parenting. If you find yourself in public with a disobedient child who belongs to you, simply make certain that your child is safe and nothing out of the ordinary is happening to him or her.

After you have checked to make sure your child is safe, the next step is for you to do nothing. That’s right, nothing. So long as your child is not destroying property, just continue to make sure your child is safe and then carry one with your business at hand. If anyone tries to interfere by giving your child something you denied your child, (i.e., toy, candy bar etc.) kindly tell them that you appreciate their help but that this is a private matter.

Exercise empathy, it probably isn’t a good idea to take your child to the nearest restroom for spanking, or wait till you both “get home” for disaster to begin (Armageddon to commence). Understand that what your child is going through is an egotistical cognitive process we have all gone through as small children, in order to exert our power in a strange new world. Also, by not giving in to your child but still being caring, you are killing two birds with one stone.

You are role modeling to your child on how effectively and humanly resolve most conflicts and you are also teaching your child that the world doesn’t evolve around him or her.


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